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The combination of strength, durability, natural resistance, and sustainability, has given Azobe global recognition for being the first choice material for crane mats.  Azobe is incredibly dense, and has a high resistance to wear, abrasion, and impact. These qualities make it ideal for supporting heavy loads and enduring rigorous conditions of construction sites.

Our Azobe supply comes from West Africa, where we source it from specially selected sawmills that adhere to sustainable forest management principles. This includes maintaining a rotation period of 30 years based on a carefully documented forest management plan, were all of our wood is TLV legally certified.

AZOBE Hardwood Physical Properties (1 N/mm² = 1 MPa) 

  • Botanic Name: Lophira Alata

  • Family: OCHNACEAE

  • Common Names: Azobe / EKKI

  • Volume Mass: 1,010kg per cubic metre

  • Elasticity Module: 21,420 MPa

  • Static Bending Strength: 162 MPa

  • Crushing Strength: 96 MPa

  • Shear Strength: 17.1 MPa

  • Density: 1.06 g/cm³

  •  Monnin Hardness: 10.7

  • Grain: Interlocked

  • Grade D70 according to EN 338 & EN 1912

  • Durability: Class 1

All properties are certified by CIRAD

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